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In her four terms, Chairwoman Elise has delivered real results for her community. Her Bipartisan effort have led to jobs, better health care, veterans benefits, and protections for our rights.

Fighting for Expanded Rural Broadband Access

I spoke directly with Ajit Pai and asked him to overturn the FCC’s decision to exclude New York from Phase I of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, which will allocate $16 billion in funding to expand rural broadband access.

Rural Development Funding

I was proud to deliver nearly $6 million to the Village of Clayton in Water and Waste Disposal Loans and a $1,000,000 grant as part of the USDA Rural Development Funding program. This funding will be used to repair and replace the village’s Wastewater Treatment Facility and Collection System and will assist the village in providing reliable sanitary sewer collection and treatment service to residents. 

Support for National Heritage

Our North Country region is steeped in history. I cosponsored important legislation that will protect our National Heritage Areas, which have a proven record of fostering job creation and advancing economic, cultural, historic, environmental, and community development. In addition to job creation, National Heritage Areas generate valuable revenue for local governments and sustain communities through revitalization and heritage tourism.

Funding Fort Ticonderoga

I worked with the National Endowment of the Humanities to secure over $250,000 in funding for Fort Ticonderoga. This money will be used to expand and enhance their virtual educational programming.

Securing Millions in Funding for Our Rural Communities

I’m proud to be a strong advocate in Congress for funding to support our rural communities in NY-21. I was thrilled that the USDA has awarded five of our communities a total of over $4.4 million for innovative rural renewal projects. I will continue to fight on behalf of our rural towns, and I will continue my work in Congress to secure critical funding to support and develop our communities.

Protecting Our Seniors Living With Alzheimers

I was proud of my bipartisan work to protect seniors with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. I worked to develop a slate of best practices for law enforcement, firefighters, medical professionals, and other emergency personnel. Knowing specific best practices will help these professionals effectively interact with people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia who are experiencing a health crisis, may have been targeted by fraud, or are in need of care.

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